Rosanna's Rose

The gorgeous Rosanna is a wonderful Moa ambassador. She channels her healing energy through movement and like us finds joy in observing every woman bloom:

"I am passionate about working with women, allowing them to see and feel their inner beauty and bring more of that beauty into their external world. Through teaching Bellydance, Sacred Sexuality, Reiki and giving nurturing Aroha Healing massage I am able to connect with women on a very deep level.

As a result I am able to witness the unfolding of the sacred feminine within us all, like a delicate rose. This is the most rewarding process fully supporting my own healing journey.

I was named after both grandmothers. My paternal grandmother’s name was Rose and she was born in Romania. I have always loved Roses as they remind me of her and I can see her clearly whenever I see that most beautiful flower."


Share with us the blooms that connect your to some one close to you..